Saturday, September 01, 2007

What doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger.

I was raised with the belief that if you work hard, you will have opportunities afforded to you. But obviously, that is not so. Society coddles the lazy and hands them all they need. If they do not become productive and support themselves, we give them MORE. Productive people, those who work hard and go without when they can't afford something, are given NOTHING. Further more, if those who are given these things become productive in any way, shape or form, they are cut off. Why would they even try to better themselves? In my experience, opportunities are reserved for underachievers and quota filling. Equal opportunity means just that, an equal opportunity, not a hand out. If everyone is given the same opportunity, then only those who truly qualify, will prevail. Those who don't prevail, should then look to themselves and strive to work harder. Instead, they look for an angle to claim unfairness and the powers that be don't want that stigma. Those that are where they are on merit, wind up having to carry those who used this method of getting in the door.

My back aches from carrying this load. But I guess I will be carrying it for some time. As will my children, for I plan to raise them the same way.